electrical services and telecommunication contracting

Staying diverse in todays’ world has helped keep us succesful as a small business, being primarily an owner/ operator. We complete any connection; from your Main service panel, to the smallest data lines, adding fiber optic splicing to our services in 2020.

residential and commercial electrical services

new circuits and devices

Times change, and the wiring and devices that were relevant decades ago, needs to be replaced with modern cable and updated fixtures.  We do that!


Adding a new room or just updating an existing space? We install all types of lighting, from recessed LEDs, to new ceiling fans! Flat screen TVs need recessed outlets with data lines to hide all the wires.

panels and transfer switches

If you live in a PG&E service area, you are familiar with power outages. Installing a whole house surge protector and a transfer switch is an excellent way to be prepared.

telecomunication contracting

Telecommunication contracting is an important part of our business. Not only do we perform electrical tasks for MSO companies, we have also helped with upgrades and new build projects for over 20 years.


Coax splicing with a specialization in node work for capacity issues.

Forward and Return Alignment (sweep) for new and existing plant. Troubleshooting cable and passive loss. Working with design issues and anything affecting RF transmission.

Power Supply installations and maintenance.

Adding Fiber Splicing in 2020.